Monday, November 9, 2009

If I Gave It To You

In my heart
There is a love
That even I don't understand,

It is a love
That grows each day
And has a soul with out stretched hands,

Will you hold my heart
Would you be so kind
As to keep it safe
So that harm will not find

Could you keep it warm
When it's all alone,
Will you hold it close
As if it were your own,

Would you do all this
If I asked you to,
Would you love my heart
If I gave it to you -
Would you love my heart
If I gave it to you ---

It's in my heart
Love grows each day
It wants so to love you
God don't push it away -

So could you keep it warm
When it's all alone,
Will you hold it close
As if it were your own-

Would you do all this
If I asked you to,
Would you love my heart
If I gave it to you -.- -.-

Karl W. Miller
© 1984

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